Visit the school

Visit the school

We are proud to have been rated a ‘Good’ school!

Learn more about our recent Ofsted report here

See the school in action! Parents and carers of children interested in attending The Galfrid School are invited to come into school for a 45-minutes tour of the school guided by the Headteacher, Claire Macfie. 

ALL Year Groups are welcome - we still have a few places available. 

The Headteacher and our dedicated staff will be available to answer any questions you may have. 

Visit our Reception! Parents and carers of children starting Reception in September 2024 are invited to come into school and look around our engaging Reception setting. 

Meet the team: our dedicated staff will welcome you and our Reception teachers will provide you with every detail on the supportive and enriching educational experience in EYFS and answer any questions you may have. 

If you would like to visit the school, please contact us. We will be happy to arrange a tour for you.


Telephone: 01223 603787