Design Technology & Food

Design Technology & Food


The DT and Food curriculum at The Galfrid School provides children with a relevant, coherent progressive knowledge of the design process and an appreciation of the work of a range of craftspeople. It is organised to enable children to:

  • Develop and understand a relationship between DT and food.
  • Provide all children with a range of DT and Food experiences, regardless of their background.
  • Investigate, disassemble and evaluate.
  • Conduct a focused practical task.
  • Design, make and evaluate.

Our curriculum is designed to embed core substantive and disciplinary knowledge, to support children to approach challenging, design questions and to practice skills.


  • Marking out and cutting skills
  • Fixing and joining skills
  • Mechanical and control skills
  • Finishing skills, including food hygiene
  • Related language skills
  • Sewing


  • Preparing (chopping, cutting, washing)
  • Combining and assembling
  • Cooking
  • Working in the kitchen
  • Food hygiene and safety
  • Nutrition


Design Technology and Food at The Galfrid School, is taught, generally, in alternate half-terms and is cross curricular. In EYFS, Art and DT is taught through the EYFS framework through focused modelling and daily provision activities.

As part of this planning process, teachers plan the following:

  • All lessons are planned around Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction. We believe that this, alongside the use of Kagan structures, promotes cooperative learning as well as enquiry.
  • A cycle of lessons which carefully plans for progression and depth.
  • A plan that enables children’s sketches and drawings to show the build-up of knowledge and skills needed to create a purposeful product.
  • Opportunities for children to evaluate an aspect of their learning.
  • Trips and visiting experts who enhance the learning experience.
  • A means to display and celebrate the pupils’ design and technology work in their class.


Our Design and Technology Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and planned to demonstrate progression year on year, giving pupils the skills, knowledge and vocabulary that they need to move forward in their learning, alongside opportunities to apply their knowledge to different situations.  If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:      

  • Pupil discussions about their learning, which includes discussion of their thoughts, ideas, processing and evaluations of work. 
  • A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes.    
  • The opportunity to share and discuss their new product with a different class.     

Our Design and Technology curriculum is also planned in a way which promotes the cultural capital of all our children. We enhance our curriculum especially for the most disadvantaged children by organising school trips, promoting careers with design and engineering, and focusing on how DT can be used in the wider world. 

  • Click here to view the Principles of the DT&Food Curriculum
  • Click here to view DT&Food in Our Local Context
  • Click here to view the DT&Food Curriculum Overview