Head's Welcome

Welcome to The Galfrid School.

Thank you for visiting our website.

We are a one form entry primary school situated to the south-east of Cambridge serving the Abbey community and beyond. Our children tell us they feel happy and safe and that they enjoy school.

We are proud members of United Learning; our aim is to bring out the best in everyone. In practice this means that we invest in the development of our staff so that they are well equipped to nurture our children as lifelong learners and capable citizens of the future.

Our curriculum is ambitious and carefully sequenced so that powerful knowledge builds term by term and year by year. We bring the curriculum to life in our local context by welcoming experts in their field to school as well as offering a range of experiences that include regular trips to the locality and beyond, aiming to spark curiosity and to nourish both the head and the heart.

We pride ourselves on being inclusive and believe that every child, irrespective of background and starting point, can and will be successful in their learning.

If you would like to see us in action, please contact the School Office to arrange a visit. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Claire Macfie