


At The Galfrid School we recognise that mathematics is essential to everyday life: it is critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy as well as most forms of employment. We aim to provide a high-quality mathematics education with a mastery approach so that all children:   

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics;   

  • reason mathematically;   

  • can solve problems by applying their mathematics.   

(National Curriculum 2014)   


At The Galfrid School we use White Rose Maths in Years 1-6, which has been written to support teachers in all aspects of their planning whilst delivering a recovery curriculum effectively. Teachers need to plan the following for mathematics lessons:   

  • Precise questioning to test conceptual and procedural knowledge; 

  • How and when manipulatives will be used, where possible, within each lesson to scaffold difficult tasks; 

  • Low stake quizzes to support learners’ ability to block learning and increase space in their working memory; 

  • Tasks and questions which challenge pupils to apply and deepen their learning and mathematical reasoning. 

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), we relate the mathematical aspects of the children's work to the Development Matters statements and the Early Learning Goals (ELG), as set out in the EYFS profile document. Mathematics development involves providing children with opportunities to practise and improve their skills in counting numbers; calculate simple addition and subtraction problems and describe shapes, spaces, and measures. The mathematics areas of learning are number (ELG 11) and shape, space and measures (ELG 12). We continually observe and assess children against these areas using their age-related objectives then plan the next steps in their mathematical development through a topic-based curriculum. There are opportunities for children to encounter maths throughout the EYFS (both inside and outside) – with both planned activities and self-selection of easily accessible quality maths resources. Whenever possible children’s interests are used to support delivering the mathematics curriculum.   

Throughout Reception teachers aim to draw the elements of a daily mathematics lesson together so that, by the time children move into Year 1, they are familiar with a structured lesson/activity. 


Our mathematics curriculum is based on White Rose Maths resources which are fully supported by the Department for Education. It provides all the elements that teachers need to teach maths mastery with confidence and to encourage children to talk using maths language. We measure the impact of our curriculum using the following methods:   

  • A reflection on standards achieved against the planned outcomes; 

  • PUMA assessments, a termly standardised maths test which enables school to track progress, predict future performance and benchmark against national averages; 

  • Pupil discussions about their learning. 

We will enhance children’s cultural capital by using money, telling the time and knowing about shapes, how to add and subtract, multiply and divide. We use real-life to show pupils the validity of their maths knowledge.  


Useful Websites   

Hit the Button 

Timestable Quizzes 

Maths is Fun 

Times Tables Rockstars 


Maths Playground